Indian Peafowl ( Pavo cristatus )
There are actually three distinct types of Peafowl - Indian Peafowl, found in Sri Lanka and India; the Green Peafowl, found in Java and on the Malay Peninsula; and the Congo Peafowl found in parts of Central Africa.
The picture on the left is one of an Indian Peacock displaying his beautiful tail. The male (peacock) has beautiful iridescent blue-green or green coloured plumage. The so-called "tail" of the peacock, also termed as the "train," have a series of eyes that are best seen when the tail is fanned. Both species have a head crest.
The female (peahen) has a mixture of dull green, brown, and gray in her plumage. She lacks the long tail of the male but has a crest. Females can also display their plumage to ward off danger to her young or other female competition. Peafowl will eat small animals, minnows, and arthropods on the ground, in shallow streams and frequent tall grass. Small snakes and other reptiles are the preferred diet of wild peafowl. Peafowls inhabit tropical savannah and riparian forests where they hunt for small animals in close social units of related birds that may span many generations.
Peafowl are capable of reproducing at the age of 2 although Peacocks do not reach full maturity until one year later. While peacocks at that age are physiologically able to mate with peahens, they have very little chance of competing with older peacocks with larger feathers |
At the age of 3, peacocks' feathers reach maximum length for their lives, although the tail shed in summer during a yearly molt and will not regrow before the beginning of a new year.
Mating season starts in the early spring and ends in the early autumn. The peacock's courtship rituals include the display of its startling plumage and a loud call. The male's call is loud and distict. The peacock shakes his feathers in the direction of a peahen in close proximity to gather her attention. Peacocks are polygamous in that they can mate with 4 or 5 peahens in a mating season, although they can be happy with one. |
Turkey (Suricata suricatta )
Swans ( Cynomys ludovicianus )
Emu (Docilchotis patagonum)
Black Swan (Alopex lagopus)
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